Friday, April 4, 2008

to everything - turn turn turn

Long train rides fill me with a certain melancholy. They are times of introspection, of reflection on the things that I have done, the decisions I have made. Reflection on who I am as a person and who I wish myself to be. We are none of us perfect, that is certain – and when faced with our greatest fear we are all vulnerable, and naked. It is not a time of confession for me – I do not believe in sin, only human faltering. Human misunderstanding. Human miscommunication. These long train rides are more of a cleansing – a dusting off, a shaking of the sheets. I find it helps me breath better.

Regret is perhaps the one thing I fear above all else – I would rather not have it in my life. I have tried to live without it, and have acted to shield myself from it. Perhaps because of this I tend to dwell on things and over-analyze situations, perhaps because of this I am more cautious in my ways. I don’t know – but this way has brought me here, and I am happy with the view.

I think back on all the friends I’ve had, their faces reflected in the window some sharper than others. I think back on all the women I’ve known, and remember their touch some softer than others. I think back on some of the pain I’ve caused people, and some of the joy. I grimace at times – at times I smile.

And again I feel that heaviness of time like an iron shawl around my shoulders, pressing. I look from the window and see things passing by. I see all the streets I will never walk, look through windows into rooms I will never pace. There is a park I will never run, there a café in which I will never write. They are silly thoughts, I know – pointless. But still they haunt me.

Then the train pulls into the station, and I close my eyes and breathe in deeply and feel that much lighter.

And the doors open. And I step outside.


Anonymous said...

Didn't Nina tell you that long train rides were put in to let you catch up with your sleep and to rest your legs for further walking?

Since we are on pensive mood, I found this written on the front page of one of my books - The Passion of Emily Dickinson. It is in my hand writing and the date was Feb 1995. I had no idea from where I got this poem. Strange.
Anyway, here it is:

When an unattached morning comes my way,
I live it in silence -
the exact amount as Life would yield,
Penned by words of posey,
my mind, as free as my body is not.

My solitude is not costless -
It is not weight free.
But the cost is negligible,
the price is insignificant.
Stand next to what I reap,
The gain - all mine.

(I notice that I had originally wrote down "pin by words of Posey" and then there was a later correction in a different pen to the word Pin - I changed it to Pinned. Didn't quite make sense. Shouldn't it be Penned?)

Hope I hadn't written this myself!!


Anonymous said...

Hi gege: on second thought, I guess the word Pinned is still correct.

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrew, nice blog you have here. Prague looks like fun! Hope you and Nina have a great time.