Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a whale of a thing

I’ve wanted to do two things since graduating from high school. One was backpack across Europe, the other – read through Melville’s Moby-Dick. Both seemed like such daunting feats at the time – so full of mystery and uncertainty. But I’ve since learned how to read, and cultivated a sense of adventure, and a – at times, confounding – passion for new experience.

And the timing now feels right. Maybe I’ve grown over the past eight years. Maybe I’ve matured. I’m definitely not the same person I was back then, head down and sprinting to the wall. I’ve picked through what I’ve seen and done, selected things to live and learn by, and – as if from so many color swatches lined up end-on-end – I’ve found a few shades that suit my character. I learned about music, and movements. I discovered romance. I discovered coffee.

And with match day just hours away I’ve discovered a heaviness in time, a pressing weight which I never really noticed before. I’m not worried about matching: maybe it’s what matching implies – the anticipation of one chapter ending and another beginning. Maybe it’s the endings I don’t like.

Regardless, I’m headed somewhere next year – an adventure in-and-of-itself. But before then, a chance to do what I’ve always wanted. And so, in a couple of days, with plane tickets and train tickets and all the 3oz bottles of shampoo/bodywash/detergent I can squeeze into one ziplock bag; with my sister by my side, iPod loaded with new music, and 655 pages of 19th century literature strapped to my back, I’ll head off to the Netherlands for what I’m sure will be an amazing trip.

Check back if you are interested – I’ll try hard to keep posting, even harder to keep pace...


Brekke said...

I am very excited to hear just what this trip entails! Enjoy, no, SAVOR. I wish I could squeeze into a bag and go with you, but you know dishes to do...

Unknown said...

Enjoy. If you find yourself bored in London, Glasgow, Rotterdam, or Saas Fee, hit me up, I have good friends there.

Matt Sjoblom said...

I don't know if you're going to London, but if you are a picture of 221B Baker St would make me a very happy reader of your adventures

Michael Stewart said...

Amli called, the mold from your apartment has taken over building 14. It resembles something much like the bad 1950s movie, The Blob.

Anonymous said...

Hi gege: believe it or not, this is my third try in leaving you this comment. I guess I am suppose to sign up for google before I can publish this comment?
anyway, had a whale of a time reading your blog. Brought back memories of those years of reading your class papers. Reading your writing is always a great spirit booster for me.
Tried any other local cuisine than mayo on fries?
I understand you guys will be doing a picnic basket in the next couple of days for a lunch? sounds like great fun. Let us see what's in the basket and describe what different things taste like. Never been to the Netherland myself.
Also, don't forget to post pictures of yourself.

Unknown said...

We had a lot of those fries too. We had to pay extra for ketchup's! But they were good after walking in the freezing temp.
Have fun and stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys:

You can't beat Rembrandt and Van Gogh. I personally like Vemeer. It may just be that I haven't seen enough of Rembrandt. Are you guys still freezing over there? Our next door neighbors are from Amsterdam. He said it is crazy there now with the cold. Hopefully, it will warm up soon.
Saw the videomail from the Van Gogh museum. It was great hearing your voices. Wish it was a bit longer.
Dad is in Singapore. He sends his love.
Gege, is it bad form to write long comment on a blog site? Not sure what is the proper blog etiquette.
Miss you guys very much. Have fun.